Wednesday, September 18, 2013

How to Catch 50+ Fleas in One Night

Recently our cat got infested by fleas and we've been seeing alot of them around our house. I've developed a homemade flea catcher that caught me over 50 fleas in one night!

What you need:

Dish Soap

Ground Black Pepper
LED Night Light
Container Lid
Toaster Oven Tray

Step 1:

We take our lid, fill it with water, and squeeze generous amounts of soap into it. Simply stir the water a bit and keep adding soap until the when you add a pinch of pepper, it sink right to the bottom of the lid. The tray is there to make sure my cat doesn't drink the solution - which I'm sure would taste bad anyways.

My best guess on the water to soap ratio: 2 cups water to 4 TBSP soap.

Step 2: The Trap

So this is serious business and at this point I'm sure you feel like the Crocodile hunter right now. Now that we have created our trap, its time to plant it!

Alright now as you can see we have placed a LED light right above the trap. The fleas will go towards the light and BAM bounce right into the soapy water in which they will sink and drown.


I'd say it was a SUCCESS! 

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