Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Simple Apple Sauce

Who doesn't like Apple Sauce? Its a childhood favorite and if you're like me, you still love it even being an adult.

Today at DIY Kingdom we are going to show you how to make simple, yet delicious Apple Sauce!

I'll be describing how to make this sauce in very basic steps which will only take about 15 minutes once you finish cutting the apples. Of course, you may always improvise with different types of apples and adding other ingredients, such as nuts.

What you need to make apple sauce: for 2 people
  • 5 small apple
  • 3 to 4 table spoon of brown sugar 

Step One: Slice Apples

Peel apples and cut in eights
Take off the core.
Thinly slice them. I usually slice as thin as 1mm.

It takes some effort, yet it's good to clear your mind. :) We are so multitasking in our busy life, so it's good to focus on such a simple task. I think it's meditative.

Step Two: Boil Apples

Put a little water in the pot. I didn't measure, but it was a little more than 1/2 inch deep in the pot.
Start boiling the water. Once you start seeing a little bubbles in the pot, add apples you prepared in the previous step.

Step Three: Add Sugar

Continue cooking with medium heat.
Add 3 table spoon of brown sugar. Taste it, and add some more if you want. Stir from time to time.

At this point it will cook pretty fast. I would say about 10-15 minutes.

Step Four: EAT

When the texture starts to feel like apple sauce, it's done! You are now ready to enjoy your masterpiece! I like to have a side of maple syrup incase it's not sweet enough.

Hope you enjoyed todays DIY instructions! Come back tomorrow for the next posting!

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